YAY! It is almost Thanksgiving and that means Christmas in just around the corner.
I have always been a big Christmas person but for some reason the last couple of years I have been a little weird about it.
Maybe it is the trying to be in 100 places at once to make every member of the family happy and therefore having no time for just us.
Maybe it was only having 1-2 days off work for the holidays.
Who knows.
But this year I am feeling a little different for some reason and I am already excited about the season!
Thus the random Christmas post in the middle of November.
Anyway, I got this in a little email from
Lisa; then saw that
Katie posted it on her blog and thought that was fun.
So I am copying.
And including some random Christmas projects from years past just because I am in the spirit.
Wrapping paper or gift bags? I love to wrap, preferably while watching a Christmas movie.
Real tree or Artificial? Real all the way. Bring on the mess!

When do you put up the tree? The day or 2 after Thanksgiving.
When do you take the tree down? After New Year's...but the first time we got a real tree a few years ago, we left it up until well into February because we didn't know what to do with it. And in Alabama that is normal.
Do you like eggnog? Are you kidding? Drinkable eggs. Never.
Favorite gift received as a child? Probably my cabbage patch doll or a scooter.
Hardest person to buy for? My dad and Lee's dad
Easiest person to buy for? Lee...the guy has a million hobbies. And when in doubt, I can still walk down the toy aisle and find him something.
Do you have a nativity scene? Yes
Mail or email Christmas cards? If I sent some I would send them via snail mail.

Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I hate to put these gifts in the "worst" category but my grandparents on my dad's side are notorious for awful gifts. Like, I got a sweatshirt once that said "World's Greatest Dad." And I got some granny panties. And my brothers were still getting Micro Machines well into high school. They may have given bad gifts but they did leave us with hilarious stories that we will be telling forever. I see a scrapbook page in the making.
Favorite Christmas Movie? Home Alone
When do you start shopping for Christmas? Usually after Thanksgiving but I have already done a little this year.
Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? I am sure I have but I can't remember specifics. Oh wait! Those granny panties ended up at a couple of lingerie showers. hehehehe!!!
Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Green bean casserole

Lights on the tree? Big tree in colorful lights; small tree in white
Favorite Christmas song? Oh Holy Night
Travel at Christmas or stay at home? Usually travel
Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Doubt it
Angel on the tree top or a star? Star

Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Morning
Most annoying thing about this time of the year? the needing to be in 100 places at the same time
What theme or color are you using? green and red
Favorite for Christmas dinner? we do a repeat of Thanksgiving dinner with ham instead of turkey usually
What do you want for Christmas this year? Good grief I would love a 12x12 scanner. But I do not think they exist for a reasonable price. I have wanted one for years. Realistically, I would like some new dishes. How boring am I!!?

And an early Merry Christmas to ya!