Now I am just hip! My dear friend
Brittney keeps bugging me to update this ole blog. So I am finally getting around to it & I thought I would start off with a few layouts from
Scrap In Style's May collection called The Hipster.
This layout is a little tribute to my husband who is the most articulate person I know which in a fight drives me crazy but in other times is a great benefit to me!

This next one has a bunch of old pictures on it from a trip to Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure a few years ago with our friends Lindsay & Ryan. The papers in the collection were great with these pictures and I love getting pictures that I had neglected finally scrapped!
(sorry it is blurry-not sure how to make it sharper)
And this one is just a little scrap therapy!

So what else has been going on over the past couple of months to keep me away from this here blog?? Well let's see...I taught at the Scrap Etc. event in Nashville at the Opryland Hotel. Wow! It was crazy to teach in front of so many people. But I live to tell about it! And it went well actually. Here is a picture of the album we made in my class.
The album is a tribute to some of the most influential people in your life. And with a little help from Scrap in Style and Audrey Neal's Git R Done digi collection as well as American Crafts and their really cool thickers, this is the title page of the album.

I don't mean to brag about my digi skills since I am new at it and all, but DANG! that's cool! Easily impressed I am.
I will admit to being quite stressed during the event and leading up to the event, but I sure did enjoy hanging out with these girls.
Katie, Brittney, Lucy

Katie & Andrea

Deanna & Virginia

There are so many other people that I had so much fun with-so much fun that I didn't take a picture with them! And, man, I am so sorry about that! My mom was there even. She was just being her usual crazy self and I already have lots of pictures of that though!
Here's another thing-a sad thing-that has happened since my last appearance in blogworld.
This guy moved away from me to Boston.
(this is "page 6" for any of you event-attendees)
He moved away to take a job that he couldn't turn down, but dangit I will miss my brother! I've never been to Boston and I will surely be making a trip soon!
If anybody is still reading at this point, I commend you.
I will do my best not to be so scarce!
Have a great rest of the weekend!