And I live to tell about it...again.

When I committed to do this again I made 3 goals:
1) Train harder and be better prepared than last year.
2) Finish in under 5 hours.
3) Make sure that this year's pictures are much better than last year's. This is a big one. As a scrapbooker it really hurts my layouts when I look like death in each and every picture. I just can't have that.
Going into the marathon I had accomplished my first goal. I was much better prepared this time. Sure, I could have been even better prepared, but I had put in the time and put in the miles so I was ready for this one.
This is
Brittney and I before the start.
It is roughly 4:30 AM in this picture so back off with any snide comments!
The next few hours would be telling as to whether or not I would accomplish my other 2 goals.

Lee did a great job of trekking around all over Disney to cheer us on and snap some photos.
This is the first one he got of us at ~9 miles into it as we ran through the Ticket & Transportation Center on our way to Magic Kingdom.
So far so good on the pictures.
Yep, he carried it the entire way.

And check this guy out!
It's Spartan Guy!
And he is fully garbed in his helmet, arm guards, and cape while carrying a sword...for 26.2 miles.
What you cannot see is that he is also wearing boots-not Nikes, but knee high boots.
Impressive, I must say (and also quite nutty).

I am not trying to bite anyone here.
This is just the best smile I could muster at ~24-25 miles with burning thighs and achy feet.
At least I don't quite look like death, however.
So I am going to go with #3 goal accomplished: much better pics this time around!

And with a finishing time of 4:49:27 I accomplished that 2nd goal also.
We don't look too bad after running all over Disney, do we?!?!
And there was still enough energy left in the tank to play a little.
(well, after lots of food & Gatorade, a long shower, and a nap that is!)
So when is the next one??!!